An early (Christmas) start in the land of the song

Published: Friday 6th Dec 2013

Written by: Gareth Mahoney

In the old days people in rural parts of Wales used to get up in the early hours of Christmas morning, not to check what Sion Corn (Santa) had left in their stockings, but to make their way to church to sing carols! Traditional Plygain carol singing would start anytime before the cock crowed, between 3.00 and 6.00 a.m. and they would be sung by groups of carol singers, usually men only, unaccompanied and harmonising beautifully. Fortunately this lovely old custom is no longer a thing of the past – it is still very much alive. So if you are thinking of heading to Wales for Christmas, especially to Mid and North Wales, don’t miss the opportunity to witness Plygain singing. And you don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn either – much Plygain singing nowadays happens in the evenings, often just around midnight. You are sure to find a Plygain carol service near many of our country cottages – we still have availability for Christmas: or call us on 01650511101


Gareth Mahoney



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