Best of Wales Award Winner / Enillydd Gwobr Y Gorau o Gymru
Published: Tuesday 5th Aug 2014
Written by: Gareth Mahoney
Originally from Bangor, Gwenno graduated with a Business and Management degree from Aberystwyth University in June this year. After recently moving down to Cardiff, she now looks forward to familiarizing with her role as project manager. This opportunity surfaced after she received the Best of Wales award for being the Welsh medium business student of the year at Aberystwyth University.
Gwenno receives the Best of Wales Award at Aberystwyth University / Gwenno yn derbyn gwobr Y Gorau o Gymru ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth
A vast amount of her experiences, which resulted from her interest in sports, music and socializing, has sealed her appreciation and gratitude towards the country and its treasures. With family members located all over Wales, she has fond childhood memories of spending summers along the coasts of the Llyn Peninsula and amongst Carmarthenshire’s delightful countryside. Therefore, promoting holiday cottages in Wales, amongst its glorious landscapes, is a very exciting prospect for Gwenno as she embarks on her professional career.
Yn wreiddiol o Fangor, graddiodd Gwenno o Brifysgol Aberystwyth mewn Busnes a Rheolaeth fis Mehefin eleni. Wedi symud i Gaerdydd yn ddiweddarach, mae hi’n edrych ymlaen at ddod yn gyfarwydd â’i rôl fel rheolwr prosiect. Daeth y cyfle hwn wedi iddi dderbyn gwobr Y Gorau o Gymru fel myfyriwr / myfyrwraig busnes gorau’r flwyddyn trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth.
Mae’r rhan helaeth o’i phrofiadau, sydd wedi deillio o’i diddordeb mewn chwaraeon, cerddoriaeth a chymdeithasu, wedi cryfhau ei gwerthfawrogiad o’r wlad a’i thrysorau. Gyda theulu yn hannu o bob cwr o’r wlad, mae ganddi atgofion melys o dreulio hafau ei phlentyndod ar hyd arfordiroedd Pen Llyn ac yng nghanol gwyrddni Sir Gaerfyrddin. Felly mae gweithio i hybu gwyliau godidog yng nghanol tirweddau a thirluniau Cymru yn brosiect cyffrous iddi wrth iddi gamu i’w swydd broffesiynol gyntaf.